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Buried fantasy
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Buried fantasy

Movie : Tiffany, an indecent story Director : Alis Locanta
30m44 April 27, 2023
April 27, 2023 Movie : Tiffany, an indecent story Director : Alis Locanta

After having an erotic dream, Tiffany Leiddi admits to herself a fantasy that was buried until then: sleeping with a woman. She decides to take the step to realise this fantasy, but with whom? The ...

After having an erotic dream, Tiffany Leiddi admits to herself a fantasy that was buried until then: sleeping with a woman. She decides to take the step to realise this fantasy, but with whom? The first person who comes to her mind is her best friend, Alice Martin, who answers directly to the invitation. The two women will get to know each other's bodies, until  an unexpected guest joins them.

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