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Love & sex
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Love & sex

Movie : Attractions Director : Alis Locanta
33m45 January 12, 2023
January 12, 2023 Movie : Attractions Director : Alis Locanta

Bella & John are directors and they want to develop the subject of love and sex within a couple. So, they would like to hear the opinion of famous people to know a little more about the place of se...

Bella & John are directors and they want to develop the subject of love and sex within a couple. So, they would like to hear the opinion of famous people to know a little more about the place of sex in a couple. For the first day of shooting, they receive the rock star Jayla De Angelis and an Olympic champion, the beautiful Zaawaadi. After confiding in Bella & John about their lives, they come back to the main subject, sex and fantasies of each. The two women, have for fantasy the actor Riky Rascal but also to make a first threesome... And why not realize their fantasies and go to the end of things?

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